Multimedia Archives - lab recherche environnement Wed, 01 Jun 2022 10:56:11 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Multimedia Archives - lab recherche environnement 32 32 In pictures: the many faces of urban agriculture Tue, 31 May 2022 17:51:06 +0000 The development of urban agriculture is promoted both by the work of researchers and by the experience of stakeholders in the field. It is this dialogue between scientists and professionals that gives rise to primarily hybrid economic models or a variety of ecosystem-related services (such as biodiversity protection, waste recycling, water management) depending on technical […]

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The development of urban agriculture is promoted both by the work of researchers and by the experience of stakeholders in the field. It is this dialogue between scientists and professionals that gives rise to primarily hybrid economic models or a variety of ecosystem-related services (such as biodiversity protection, waste recycling, water management) depending on technical systems and location. According to Christine Aubry, out of the services that agriculture provides in an urban environment, food could be further promoted in agricultural output relocation policies and may potentially meet food inequality challenges. Debates between scientists and frontline employees also focus on a potential application of the rural lease and the status of farmer on urban farms. Another important area of exploration concerns indicators of conditions and sustainability criteria from social and economic (e.g. avoided costs) and environmental (e.g. climate regulation) standpoints. Erica Dorr, PhD student at AgroParisTech, is contributing to this cross-cutting and ambitious field of research and on 1st June 2022, will defend a thesis on the “Development of a sustainability self-assessment tool for urban agriculture stakeholders”.

Paola Mugnier and Fanny Provent also describe multifaceted and multi-purpose production systems. Their practical guide « Urban agriculture: how to implement it on rooftops and terraces? » (from which photos #2 to #5 are taken), as well as the Exp’au urban agriculture consulting company and agriculturalization indicators, feature among the approaches rolled out, based on researcher knowledge, to assist and equip developers when selecting project content, in addition to project implementation and management. Another important aspect for developers is the issue of urban contaminations. The REFUGE methodology has been designed to conduct an assessment of health risks based on a historical survey of the site and ground investigations. This type of assessment reveals a lack of risk or identifies when a site is in a grey area, as is often the case, which may be used by rolling out a health control plan or through farming methods that do not use the ground soil.

The prospects for the development of urban agriculture are set to be extensive and varied. Many flat roofs represent untapped high-potential land resources. A number of new requirements are emerging in relation to the analysis of soil bearing capacity, an improved integration of greenhouses in buildings, optimised management of flows and uses and lastly the incorporation of urban agriculture in circular economy scenarios.

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Urban agriculture, a globalised phenomenon Thu, 04 Jun 2020 17:21:08 +0000 Fanny Provent and Paola Mugnier, authors of the practical guide “Agriculture urbaine : comment aménager une toiture-terrasse” have created an overview of current trends thanks to the benchmark of 170 projects around the world. They also analysed the services provided, established the characteristics of these spaces and proposed a forward-looking vision for the building of tomorrow. Almost […]

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Fanny Provent and Paola Mugnier, authors of the practical guideAgriculture urbaine : comment aménager une toiture-terrasse” have created an overview of current trends thanks to the benchmark of 170 projects around the world. They also analysed the services provided, established the characteristics of these spaces and proposed a forward-looking vision for the building of tomorrow.

Almost 46% of the sites listed are in North America. In fact, it is often considered as one of the cradles of rooftop urban agriculture. It then spread to Europe and, more particularly, to France where it has been colonising rooftops for a number of years. Whether in the Paris region (Les parisculteurs, Réinventer Paris, Inventons la Métropole du Grand Paris), Angers (Imagine Angers), Toulouse (Dessine-moi Toulouse), Marseille, Nantes and other cities, calls for projects or calls for expressions of interest continue to include agricultural projects on rooftops. Local authorities themselves develop programmes concerning rooftop projects. Asia only represents 13% of the projects listed. This low figure is explained by the difficulty of access to information. However, many agricultural projects are developing there, with a productive aim, mainly in the form of indoor farming (farms inside buildings). We can expect that the number of agricultural projects will increase in the heart of cities that are highly dependent on food imports. To cite just one example, Singapore imports almost 90% of what it consumes. In addition, AmHydro, a young innovative company, shortly plans to install eight hydroponic greenhouses on the roofs of Singapore that represent up to 3,300 sq.m of exploited surface area.


Interactive map


Fanny Provent and Paola Mugnier will present the first practical guide from the lab recherche environnement (ed. Eyrolles) on 21 September 2020 on the occasion of the Lab Evening “Urban and vertical farmers”

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