Smart mobility

Fabien Leurent

Fabien Leurent

Fabien Leurent is a professor at the École des Ponts ParisTech with an accreditation to supervise research at the Laboratoire Ville Mobilité Transport, which he co-founded. He models mobility and territories as

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Danyang Sun

Danyang Sun

Danyang Sun is a doctoral student at the Laboratoire Ville Mobilité Transport. His thesis focuses on the exploration of floating vehicle data for mobility analysis. He obtained a master’s degree specialising in smart

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Anonymous GPS data as resource to reduce transport environmental impact
Practitioner group

Smart mobility

L’analyse de la mobilité à partir de traces numériques permet de mieux connaître le déplacement des individus. Des nouvelles formes de données, ainsi que des méthodes d’intelligence artificielle, peuvent
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Tramway is among transport services that are analysed
Research area

Sustainable mobility

The environmental performance of mobility systems is linked to energy consumption, emissions of pollutants and greenhouse gases and the effects of disruption and fragmentation of natural habitats due to the construction
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