New mobilities

Nicolas Coulombel
Nicolas Coulombel, an engineer from the Corps des Ponts, Eaux et Forêts, and a doctor in urban economics from the Ecole des Ponts (2010), is a lecturer at the Ecole des Ponts ParisTech and a researcher at the
Tatiana Seregina
Tatiana Seregina holds a PhD in Computer Science and Control. Her main areas of expertise are mathematical modeling and operations research, as well as data science. Her research interests focus on the study of how
Martin Briand
This thesis analyzes the socio-economic impacts of dedicated freeway lanes designed for public transport, clean vehicles and car-sharing, highlighting their potential benefits for the economy, society and the
Savings on reserved freeway lanes and associated infrastructure and services.
Biao Yin
Biao Yin works on large-scale agent-based transport simulations (MATSim) for mobility studies in the Île-de-France (Greater Paris) region. This means that he studies the environmental impacts of urban access
Liu Liu
Engineer in Civil Engineering and Doctor of Urban Planning, Liu Liu works in the field of spatial planning and transport. She established the “Transit Oriented Development” scenarios for the European Metropolis of