Archives for Ecodistricts - lab recherche environnement Fri, 24 Jan 2025 15:13:24 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Archives for Ecodistricts - lab recherche environnement 32 32 Tatiana Seregina Fri, 24 Jan 2025 14:04:21 +0000 The post Tatiana Seregina appeared first on lab recherche environnement.

The post Tatiana Seregina appeared first on lab recherche environnement.

Khaled Khazaal Fri, 24 Jan 2025 13:23:47 +0000 The post Khaled Khazaal appeared first on lab recherche environnement.

The post Khaled Khazaal appeared first on lab recherche environnement.

Biao Yin Thu, 23 Jun 2022 17:39:36 +0000 The post Biao Yin appeared first on lab recherche environnement.

The post Biao Yin appeared first on lab recherche environnement.

In pictures: the many faces of urban agriculture Tue, 31 May 2022 17:51:06 +0000 The development of urban agriculture is promoted both by the work of researchers and by the experience of stakeholders in the field. It is this dialogue between scientists and professionals that gives rise to primarily hybrid economic models or a variety of ecosystem-related services (such as biodiversity protection, waste recycling, water management) depending on technical […]

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The development of urban agriculture is promoted both by the work of researchers and by the experience of stakeholders in the field. It is this dialogue between scientists and professionals that gives rise to primarily hybrid economic models or a variety of ecosystem-related services (such as biodiversity protection, waste recycling, water management) depending on technical systems and location. According to Christine Aubry, out of the services that agriculture provides in an urban environment, food could be further promoted in agricultural output relocation policies and may potentially meet food inequality challenges. Debates between scientists and frontline employees also focus on a potential application of the rural lease and the status of farmer on urban farms. Another important area of exploration concerns indicators of conditions and sustainability criteria from social and economic (e.g. avoided costs) and environmental (e.g. climate regulation) standpoints. Erica Dorr, PhD student at AgroParisTech, is contributing to this cross-cutting and ambitious field of research and on 1st June 2022, will defend a thesis on the “Development of a sustainability self-assessment tool for urban agriculture stakeholders”.

Paola Mugnier and Fanny Provent also describe multifaceted and multi-purpose production systems. Their practical guide « Urban agriculture: how to implement it on rooftops and terraces? » (from which photos #2 to #5 are taken), as well as the Exp’au urban agriculture consulting company and agriculturalization indicators, feature among the approaches rolled out, based on researcher knowledge, to assist and equip developers when selecting project content, in addition to project implementation and management. Another important aspect for developers is the issue of urban contaminations. The REFUGE methodology has been designed to conduct an assessment of health risks based on a historical survey of the site and ground investigations. This type of assessment reveals a lack of risk or identifies when a site is in a grey area, as is often the case, which may be used by rolling out a health control plan or through farming methods that do not use the ground soil.

The prospects for the development of urban agriculture are set to be extensive and varied. Many flat roofs represent untapped high-potential land resources. A number of new requirements are emerging in relation to the analysis of soil bearing capacity, an improved integration of greenhouses in buildings, optimised management of flows and uses and lastly the incorporation of urban agriculture in circular economy scenarios.

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Christine Aubry Mon, 30 Nov 2020 09:47:46 +0000 The post Christine Aubry appeared first on lab recherche environnement.

The post Christine Aubry appeared first on lab recherche environnement.

Rethinking neighbourhoods for sustainable mobility Fri, 27 Nov 2020 18:19:06 +0000 The work of Cyrille François and Liu Liu, postdoctoral researchers at École des Ponts ParisTech, aims to establish mobility scenarios allowing the combination of transport offers and user practices with a low environmental impact. Cyrille François is a postdoctoral teacher-researcher. His work focuses on the environmental issues associated with the daily mobility of individuals. He is […]

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The work of Cyrille François and Liu Liu, postdoctoral researchers at École des Ponts ParisTech, aims to establish mobility scenarios allowing the combination of transport offers and user practices with a low environmental impact.

Cyrille François is a postdoctoral teacher-researcher. His work focuses on the environmental issues associated with the daily mobility of individuals. He is interested in mobility, not in terms of the simple use of a technology but as a social reality anchored in a specific territory.

Liu Liu is a Civil Engineer with a PhD in Urban Planning. She drew up the “Transit Oriented Development” scenarios for the European Metropolis of Lille and participated in the development of energy transition strategies in Île-de-France.

Cyrille François and Liu Liu are currently working on Les Lumières Pleyel neighbourhood in Saint-Denis as an experimentation ground. This onsite work is part of their post-doctorate project at the École des Ponts ParisTech (Laboratoire Ville Mobilité Transport) in the framework of lab recherche environnement VINCI ParisTech.

This talk is co-organised as part of Leonard‘s “Ensemble pour demain” conferences. 


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Les Lumières Pleyel neighbourhood in Saint-Denis Fri, 27 Nov 2020 09:12:52 +0000 The work by MINES ParisTech researchers aims to trial and improve eco-design support tools for the layout of a building block: life-cycle assessment (multi-criteria and multi-stage environmental assessment over the entire life cycle of buildings and roads) and dynamic energy simulation (evaluation of energy consumption and production of buildings as well as hygrothermal comfort). These […]

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The work by MINES ParisTech researchers aims to trial and improve eco-design support tools for the layout of a building block: life-cycle assessment (multi-criteria and multi-stage environmental assessment over the entire life cycle of buildings and roads) and dynamic energy simulation (evaluation of energy consumption and production of buildings as well as hygrothermal comfort). These tools are used to help a planning team determine the strategic choices to be implemented in order to improve the environmental performance of a building or a neighbourhood: the major causes of the environmental impacts of the project, the level of environmental performance that can be achieved, any recommendations to architects (choice of biobased and low carbon materials, ratio of glazing on the façades) or concerning the use and choices of occupants.

The research work carried out at the École des Ponts ParisTech aims to anticipate mobility practices and services in the Les Lumières Pleyel neighbourhood as well as their impact on the environment. A statistical approach based on analysis of the socio-economic profiles of the individuals who will live and work in the neighbourhood aims to achieve an initial rapid estimate of uses and activities. This approach is then fine-tuned by multi-agent modelling that is aimed at a much more precise estimation of mobility needs and the effects of the implementation of new mobility services. The environmental impacts of associated mobility practices are then assessed through the prism of life-cycle assessment. It is therefore possible to assess the relevance of development choices and to propose solutions that are tailored to local characteristics, in order to improve the environmental performance of a neighbourhood.


the MATSim multi-agent model used by the LVMT laboratory of École des Ponts ParisTech to simulate the mobility of the Île-de-France population.

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Pleiades ACV Equer Fri, 27 Nov 2020 08:41:09 +0000 With this software platform, designed and developed at MINES ParisTech, it is possible to perform regulatory calculations and physics-based life-cycle assessment (LCA) with the Equer tool. For example, the primary energy content of an electric kWh is not reduced for the electricity exported from a photovoltaic system and can be calculated dynamically. The data comes […]

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With this software platform, designed and developed at MINES ParisTech, it is possible to perform regulatory calculations and physics-based life-cycle assessment (LCA) with the Equer tool. For example, the primary energy content of an electric kWh is not reduced for the electricity exported from a photovoltaic system and can be calculated dynamically.

The data comes from the international Ecoinvent database: each life-cycle inventory contains several thousand flows, including substances such as dioxins. LCA is therefore an effective tool for supporting eco-design, which makes it possible to compare architectural variants, construction materials or energy sources in order to choose solutions with a lower environmental impact.

The measured indicators include, among others, energy resources, water, raw materials, health and biodiversity, and climate.

The graphic modeller enables the entry of a set of buildings and the automatic generation of the corresponding solar masks. It is then possible to perform thermal simulations and life-cycle assessments by building type or for an entire urban project. In LCA, roads and other outdoor spaces, such as parks, are taken into account as well as networks (heat, drinking water and wastewater), waste management and transport.

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Multi-criterion environmental optimisation at the scale of the building block Thu, 26 Nov 2020 18:15:40 +0000 Context and challenges Construction is the economic sector representing the largest share of final energy consumption in France, and today, 82% of the population lives in a large urban area. It is becoming essential to reduce the energy consumption of neighbourhoods and, in particular, to increase the environmental performance of buildings. This results in the […]

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Context and challenges

Construction is the economic sector representing the largest share of final energy consumption in France, and today, 82% of the population lives in a large urban area. It is becoming essential to reduce the energy consumption of neighbourhoods and, in particular, to increase the environmental performance of buildings. This results in the need for knowledge in order to develop an approach to help eco-design neighbourhoods.


The objective of the thesis is to assess the environmental and economic performance of neighbourhoods, and to optimise it according to parameters of building design, energy production and distribution. Based on multi-criterion optimisation, the approach will offer a combination of dynamic thermal simulation, life-cycle assessment and economic evaluation tools for projects to identify, on a multi-criterion basis (Pareto front), neighbourhoods generating high levels of low costs and environmental impacts over the entire life cycle.


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Strategic modelling of mobility in a metropolis Thu, 26 Nov 2020 18:13:15 +0000 Context and objectives The eco-design of neighbourhoods requires various issues to be factored in: the socio-economic well-being and health of residents, the environmental impacts linked to the occupancy of buildings and the use of transport, the system effects which are at the origin of phenomena such as road congestion or development of a neighbourhood’s appeal. […]

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Context and objectives

The eco-design of neighbourhoods requires various issues to be factored in: the socio-economic well-being and health of residents, the environmental impacts linked to the occupancy of buildings and the use of transport, the system effects which are at the origin of phenomena such as road congestion or development of a neighbourhood’s appeal.

The postdoctoral fellowship, led by Liu Liu at the École des Ponts ParisTech under the supervision of Fabien Leurent and Nicolas Coulombel, aims to model the daily activities and mobility of people who live or pass through a neighbourhood in order to deduce the economic, social and environmental impacts. The model considers microlocal conditions (the location of people, attractive services and infrastructures, demand for activities, available means of transport) and the interactions between an urban fragment and the rest of the agglomeration.


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