Accueil Tag : Comfort and health
Comfort and health

Robin Monnier
As a research engineer at the Centre d’efficacité énergétique des systèmes (CES) at Mines Paris-PSL, Robin Monnier has been working on the resilience of buildings to heatwaves, and in particular the impact of
Integrate the effects of overheating on human health into building life-cycle analysis.
Study the resilience of buildings to heatwaves, and in particular the impact on occupants’ health.
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Including indoor air quality into buildings’ life cycle assessments
Taking into account indoor air quality in buildings’ life cycle assessments is a means of designing buildings with a reduced impact on occupants.
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Rachna Bhoonah
After graduating with a Master’s degree in renewable energies from Université PSL and following a year’s experience in ecodesign consulting, Rachna Bhoonah began her thesis within the Ecodesign of buildings and
Sonia Le Mentec
Sonia Le Mentec is an AgroParisTech agricultural engineer by training who supplemented her studies with a master’s degree in mathematics for life sciences at the University of Paris-Saclay. She is currently a doctoral
Rethinking neighbourhoods for sustainable mobility
Several actions can promote more sustainable mobility at the neighbourhood level: organise the various functions of buildings, manage parking differently or offer new mobility services.
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