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Circular economy

Editorial: why a practical guide to rooftop vegetable gardens?
Historically, agriculture has forged our societies, in terms of both their social and spatial organisation. While the development of agriculture has led to sedentarisation and so the establishment of cities, the urban
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Press release
Urban agriculture: how to implement it on rooftops and terraces? A practical guide.
Urban farming is at the crossroads of the environmental concerns and the societal aspirations of citizens. Responding to the need of revegetating urban spaces involves making a better use of rooftops that are currently
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The first guide from the lab recherche environnement on rooftop urban agriculture
The guide by Fanny Provent and Paola Mugnier, published by Editions Eyrolles, will be available in ebook format and in bookstores.
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Research area
Reconciling nature and the city, a highly artificial environment, is an art that is practised from the scale of the building to that of the suburban territory, including that of the neighbourhood.
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