Rayane Al AmirdachePhD student

Ecole nationale des ponts et chaussées

Rayane's thesis aims to integrate redistributive effects and equity issues into the evaluation of transportation policies, in order to promote sustainable mobility. A decision-support tool for decision-makers will be proposed, making it possible to analyze the impacts of projects on different groups according to their socio-economic characteristics. This thesis focuses on the evaluation of congestion charging and traffic-calmed zones in the Île-de-France region using the MATSIM model, comparing the effectiveness and equity of these policies. Several equity evaluation methods, such as the Gini index and accessibility analysis, will be used to assess their usefulness.

Tramway is among transport services that are analysed
The environmental performance of mobility systems is linked to energy consumption, emissions of pollutants and greenhouse gases and the effects of disruption and fragmentation of natural habitats due to the construction
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Integrate the notion of equity into the evaluation of transport policies, by developing tools to better analyze the redistributive impacts on populations, particularly in the Paris region.
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