
Use of secondary raw materials

The physical characterisation of features of existing building structures will make it possible to consider their conventional reuse and the environmental assessment of conventional reuse via the life-cycle assessment method.

Context and challenges

Sand is the third most exploited resource in the world after air and water. The construction sector is therefore responsible for half of the extractions of raw materials and energy consumption at European level, but also for the production of 46 million tonnes of waste in 2014 in France, including 23 tonnes from demolition.

These figures show the alarming impact of this sector on the environment. It is therefore our duty to work to make it more sustainable.


In this context, this thesis project focuses on the environmental modelling of conventional reuse and recycling solutions for building and public works materials and structures. It is based on the physical characterisation of existing structural features in order to consider their conventional reuse and on the environmental assessment of conventional reuse via the life-cycle assessment method.

It is all the more opportune to take an interest in the existing building as it represents a large pool of material. The thesis aims to show that we can make the fruit of a linear economy circular.


Ambroise Lachat
PhD Student
Ecole nationale des ponts et chaussées
Practitioner group
Recycling of worksite waste
The environmental assessment of the circular economy is a recurring issue, particularly in the context of recycling aggregates in concrete or even in the context of conventional reuse.
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Ecodistrict in Paris
Fill 14
Life-cycle assessment is a method to assess the environmental impacts of buildings and infrastructures throughout their life cycle, from the extraction of raw materials through to their end-of-lifetime handling.
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