
Redistributive effects of transport projects and equity: how can they be better taken into account in evaluation?

Integrate the notion of equity into the evaluation of transport policies, by developing tools to better analyze the redistributive impacts on populations, particularly in the Paris region.

Context and issues

Rayane’s thesis falls within the framework of transport policy evaluation, mainly through the CBA method, which is widely used but often criticized for its inability to take into account the equity dimension. Currently, this method evaluates policies by accounting for gains and disadvantages at the individual level, notably in terms of transport costs, travel time and exposure to pollution. However, the results are presented in aggregate, masking the distribution of benefits and disadvantages between different individuals. This lack of attention to equity has led to the rejection of many transport projects, generating significant public opposition, and underlining the importance of a more nuanced assessment that takes into account disparities linked to place of residence and income level.


The main objective is to improve the CBA method in order to integrate the equity dimension into the evaluation of transport policies. To this end, this thesis studies the extent to which current mobility policy evaluation methods, in particular cost-benefit analysis, can already address the equity issue, and how its consideration in evaluation could be improved.

An analysis of equity evaluation methods is carried out, looking in particular at the Gini index, accessibility, weighted cost-benefit analysis, and mobility-related precariousness. This is carried out with a multidimensional approach, taking into account the individual’s cost, travel time and exposure to pollution. This project has a concrete application in the Île-de-France region, with an evaluation of congestion charging and limited traffic zone policies. The ultimate aim is to provide policy-makers with robust tools for assessing equity in the transport context.


Article Région et Développement (2024) : How unequal are travel costs? Evidence from the Paris Region.

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