
Exploring of GPS floating data to identify mobility behaviour

With the growing spread of GPS devices, floating car data can be exploited to explore mobility behaviour at the individual level of the traveller's choices and at the more general level of relationships between places in a territory.

Context and challenges

More and more territories are faced with mobility problems. One of the main causes is the inconsistency between recurrent passenger mobility behaviour and the spatial territorial structure. In previous studies, the availability of data on mobility has been a major concern for analysis of mobility. With the spread of GPS devices, FCD (Floating Car Data) has become a new source of information for systematically analysing mobility. However, the potential of this data has not been fully exploited.


The objective of the thesis is to use FCD data to explore and analyse mobility behaviour on two levels: the elementary level of the individual mobility of travellers, and the more global level of relations between places in a territory. To obtain an overall understanding of the dynamics of a territory, this research is made up of two parts. More precisely, at the individual level, the analysis aims to study the factors underlying the choices of trajectory by travellers. Regarding spatial analysis, the aim is to study the structure of territorial mobility by detecting the main places of activity and determining their dynamic interactions.

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