Pilot site

Les Lumières Pleyel neighbourhood in Saint-Denis

A development project in the Les Lumières Pleyel neighbourhood in Saint-Denis (93) is the testing ground for research work by MINES ParisTech and École des Ponts ParisTech.

The work by MINES ParisTech researchers aims to trial and improve eco-design support tools for the layout of a building block: life-cycle assessment (multi-criteria and multi-stage environmental assessment over the entire life cycle of buildings and roads) and dynamic energy simulation (evaluation of energy consumption and production of buildings as well as hygrothermal comfort). These tools are used to help a planning team determine the strategic choices to be implemented in order to improve the environmental performance of a building or a neighbourhood: the major causes of the environmental impacts of the project, the level of environmental performance that can be achieved, any recommendations to architects (choice of biobased and low carbon materials, ratio of glazing on the façades) or concerning the use and choices of occupants.

The research work carried out at the École des Ponts ParisTech aims to anticipate mobility practices and services in the Les Lumières Pleyel neighbourhood as well as their impact on the environment. A statistical approach based on analysis of the socio-economic profiles of the individuals who will live and work in the neighbourhood aims to achieve an initial rapid estimate of uses and activities. This approach is then fine-tuned by multi-agent modelling that is aimed at a much more precise estimation of mobility needs and the effects of the implementation of new mobility services. The environmental impacts of associated mobility practices are then assessed through the prism of life-cycle assessment. It is therefore possible to assess the relevance of development choices and to propose solutions that are tailored to local characteristics, in order to improve the environmental performance of a neighbourhood.


the MATSim multi-agent model used by the LVMT laboratory of École des Ponts ParisTech to simulate the mobility of the Île-de-France population.

Nicolas Coulombel
Senior Lecturer and Researcher
Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées
Adelaïde Feraille
Researcher and Lecturer
École des Ponts ParisTech
Cyrille François
Postdoctoral Researcher and Teacher
École des Ponts ParisTech
Fabien Leurent
Professor and Research Director
École des Ponts ParisTech
Liu Liu
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
École des Ponts ParisTech
Bruno Peuportier
Research Director
MINES ParisTech
Aurore Wurtz
PhD Student
MINES ParisTech
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Practitioner groups
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