18 June 2020

The first guide from the lab recherche environnement on rooftop urban agriculture

The guide by Fanny Provent and Paola Mugnier, published by Editions Eyrolles, will be available in ebook format and in bookstores.

Temperature regulation, biodiversity, short supply chains, waste recovery, rainwater retention, social links and education are among the services provided by urban farms. Fanny Provent (AgroParisTech) and Paola Mugnier (Urbalia) invite us to discover the best practices for installing a vegetable garden on rooftops, an under-exploited land reserve in our towns and ideal zones for urban agriculture projects. Their work “Agriculture urbaine : comment aménager une toiture-terrasse” is the first guide from the lab recherche environnement VINCI ParisTech , the research programme resulting from the partnership between VINCI and three ParisTech engineering schools which aims to reduce the impact of buildings and infrastructures on the environment.

Published by Editions Eyrolles, the book will be available in ebook format and in bookstores from July 2. The authors will present the work on 21 September during the conference « Urban and vertical farmers » organised by the lab recherche environnement as part of Leonard’s Building Beyond festival. New opportunities and technical issues related to urban agriculture will be discussed through the contributions of practitioners and scientists: Leon Garaix (Paris municipality, Parisculteurs programme), Pascal Hardy (AgriPolis start-up), Pascal Michaud (VINCI Construction France), Christine Aubry and Erica Dorr (AgroParisTech).


 Order the book in paper or digital format

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